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Python Function named get_loss_dates – Daily Stock Price Assignment

Python Function named get_loss_dates – Daily Stock Price Assignment

Python Function named get_loss_dates – Daily Stock Price Assignment
Question Description
(4 pts) Write a Python function named get_loss_dates. This function will read in a file containing information about the daily stock price for a specific company (e.g. APPL.txt would contain the daily stock prices for Apple). This function should return a list of the dates in which the stock price decreased (e.g. closed lower than it opened). It will have a single parameter named filename, the name of the file containing the stock data (e.g. “AAPL.txt”).
The format of the file is given below. Note that the first line will always be a “header” that contains the names of the columns, not actual data.

def get_loss_dates(filename):
“` Returns list of dates when stock closed lower than it opened. “`

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