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NSG6012 South University Hypertension – High Blood Pressure Lesson Plan

NSG6012 South University Hypertension – High Blood Pressure Lesson Plan

NSG6012 South University Hypertension – High Blood Pressure Lesson Plan
Question Description
Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference.
Refer to the lesson plan that you developed in NSG6003. If you did not complete that course, search the Internet and locate a lesson plan in the nursing setting of your choice. Then:
Identify the learning objectives/outcomes that you would expect your learners to achieve by the end of the session.
Based on the objectives/outcomes for the session, analyze possible ways to measure/evaluate the achievement of the stated objectives/outcomes.
In accordance with the National Patient Safety Goals, which goal(s) would apply to the stated objectives/outcomes?

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