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MANA 3300.060 Ban on Big Retail in Small Towns Argumentative paper

MANA 3300.060 Ban on Big Retail in Small Towns Argumentative paper

MANA 3300.060 Ban on Big Retail in Small Towns Argumentative paper
Question Description
Ban on Big Retail in Small Towns
Supportive Arguments
The first is that big retail stores tend to be located nearby in a community and pedestrian oriented where local can easily access to the independent store without driving miles away from their homes
Big retails store also create economic diversity and stability. Because they are depending on the local community, these stores are firmly rooted in the community
Big retail store strengthen community through their contributions to civic and cultural life. Donations are raised for many local nonprofits organizations to help community.
Negating Arguments
Even if chain stores do save us a few dollars now and again, it comes at a great cost. Chain stores contribute far less to the local economy than independent businesses.
Big retails chain store hurts the locally independent businesses. Many locally owned independent stores shut their doors due to the drops in sales.
When big retail stores locate in farmland, wetlands, or green space, they eliminate natural resources and open space. Include acres of parking and occupy a large footprint.

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