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BOS4025 Columbia Southern University Unit VI OSHA Act Questions

BOS4025 Columbia Southern University Unit VI OSHA Act Questions

BOS4025 Columbia Southern University Unit VI OSHA Act Questions
Question Description
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Machines havebeen a part of industry for hundreds of years. Machines offer manyadvantages over working by hand, most notably, the ability to runtirelessly. They are consistent and offer superior speed. Machinescannot discern between steel, plastic, or people, however, and aftersome time it was deemed wise to protect the human from the motion andactions of machinery. We examine machine guarding in this lesson.Because of the obvious hazards, it is no surprise that the standards inthis Subpart O are consistently in the top 10 most frequently violatedOSHA regulations.
Subpart R isalso examined, and deals with special industries, companies that haveunique hazards that are not addressed elsewhere. These are verticalstandards as they apply to specific, named industries.
OSHA’selectrical standards are included in this week’s lesson. Theyessentially follow the National Electric Code, but also have a specialsection on electrical safety-related work practices. This section isconcerned with the qualifications of persons who work with electricityand provides required safe working practices for such endeavors.

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