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Assignment #2 UNLV Russia, Middle East and Mexico Summary Paper

Assignment #2 UNLV Russia, Middle East and Mexico Summary Paper

Assignment #2 UNLV Russia, Middle East and Mexico Summary Paper
Question Description
Assignment #2 Guidelines of Summary Paper
The summary paper should be
completed individually
, not as a group.
You are responsible to pick three (3) regions among the following fifteen (15) regions (e.g.,
Middle East; Greek; Eastern European; Italian; French; British Isles; German; Scandinavian;
Russian; Iberian; North African; Caribbean; Mexican; South American; Indian Subcontinent;
Southeast Asia).
You need to write
a summary paper
(Times New Roman, 12 fonts,
1″ margins,
no space between paragraphs, Texts should be justified). Please do not exceed more than a page
per region. So, the final summary paper should be no more than three (3) pages on the contents.
The purpose of the assignment is to make you look for reliable sources or materials that
will address
the historical and cultural influences of the culinary aspects in the
selected regions.
Please make sure to utilize the database of the library
( The reliable sources or materials include:
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Government Sponsored Websites
Textbooks addressing History, Culture, and Cuisines
Title must include the “Name of the Region” should be bolded and centered; next to “by
your name” (e.g.
British Isles by Eun Min Hwang
Summary must incorporate Geographical, Historical, Cultural aspects as well as Cuisines
and Climate of the region.
You must at least locate three (3) reliable sources for each region. A total of nine (9)
sources for the summary paper should be located and cited as a fourth page. If you picked
the same region of your group presentation, please make sure that these sources do not
overlap with the ones utilized for your group presentation. APA style is recommended.
Please do not summarize the recipes
Upon completing the assignment, please upload your summary paper under the “Assignment #2
Summary paper” on Canvas.

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