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Week 2-6 reflective learning log

Week 2-6 reflective learning log(450 x 5 = 2250 words)
} The 4-500+ word per week is intended as an opportunity for you to reflect on the materials presented, the activities undertaken, and the additional reading done.
} It should not be a summary of the material, but rather your thoughts and feelings about it.
} It will record your own development and reasoning ability.
} It should be related to either your experience of managing conflict or directed towards your future actions.
} You should effective use of the module from seminars to support personal reflection
} A correct approach to the learning log must have 6 clear journal entries plus a brief introduction and conclusion.
} Learning logs should demonstrate critical and creative reflection, and link theory to experience and practice.
} It should be supported by relevant reading and research from the relevant lectures / seminars and associated recommended reading.

Marking Criteria
§ Attendance at seminars = 10%
§ Focusing on the brief = 10%
§ Quality of Personal Reflection = 35%
§ Effective use of module content
to support personal reflection = 35%
§ Cogency, structure & presentation = 10%

Implication for you….???
• Think about your own experiences
• How dealing with?
• What influence?

Criteria that demonstrate a good reflective journal entry

• Evidence of learning from the relating of theory to observations and practical situations with respect to any aspect of learning with inclusion of references to other material.

• Evidence of self-awareness – For example, it may show evidence of the learner ‘standing outside the situation’ in order to observe self in particular situations. This may be reflected upon in conjunction with particular self-assessment undertaken within the module, or within other modules.

• Evidence of critical reflection that results in obvious new and usable learning:

– A description of the ‘stimulant’ for reflection (e.g. incident, idea etc.)
– Evidence of going back over the incident (etc.), thinking about it later, bringing to bear relevant extra information (theory, things said, advice, previous experience etc.).
– The drawing out of some sort of conclusion and evidence of learning from the reflective process that is then used in the planning or operation of further activities