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Task 1: Marketing & Communications Portfolio Plan (3000 words)

Task 1: Marketing & Communications Portfolio Plan (3000 words)

Task 1: Marketing & Communications Portfolio Plan (3000 words)

Introduction: provide a rationale for your project; introduce your industry/market context, organisation/company; explain your marketing/communications challenge and focus.

Review: collect and critically review relevant academic and practitioner literature, materials, assets and artefacts to inform the development of a marketing portfolio with appropriate illustrative appendices. Select the key contemporary marketing theory(ies) or framework(s) that will underpin your plan and portfolio, and explain how they will be applied.

Plan: using a marketing and communications planning framework of your choice, create a marketing and communications plan designed to achieve specific marketing objectives for your chosen organisation/company. The plan must be appropriate to the context in your introduction, and the selected marketing theory(ies) or framework(s) must be used explicitly to underpin aspects of the plan/portfolio.

Task 3: Artefacts Justification (1500 words)

Explain and justify how each artefact will play an effective role within the marketing and communications plan, contribute to objectives and KPIs, and link with your selected underpinning theory(ies) or framework(s).

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