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SAINT MGT430 MODULE 5 CASE STUDYMGT 430Module 5 Business and the Natural Environ

SAINT MGT430 MODULE 5 CASE STUDYMGT 430Module 5 Business and the Natural Environment Case Study 5 For this module,you are required to submit Case Study 5.discussion Case digging Gold. At the and of Chapter 11, and 257.Gold is highly sought after , and its value has increased dramatically in recent years. However , traditional gold mining is one of the most environmentally destructive activities there is, as it can haveNegative consequences on land . water and air .laws have been enacted to clean up the process inMost developed nations . however ,in other places. Laws and regulation have not been very effective . Non-Governmental organization have also attempted to clean up the gold mining industry through various market based approaches. Respond to Discussion Question 3 and Submit to the Dropbox byno Later than Sunday 11.59 PM. EST/EDT(This Dropbox basket is linked to turnitin.)Keep in mind to intergrate the Saint Leo University core of responsible stewardship ,as it applies to the case.Responses for each case discussion question should be in paragraph form and be approximately 250-300 word in length.MGT 430Module 5 Business and the Natural Environment Case Study 5 For this module,you are required to submit Case Study 5.discussion Case digging Gold. At the and of Chapter 11, and 257.Gold is highly sought after , and its value has increased dramatically in recent years. However , traditional gold mining is one of the most environmentally destructive activities there is, as it can haveNegative consequences on land . water and air .laws have been enacted to clean up the process inMost developed nations . however ,in other places. Laws and regulation have not been very effective . Non-Governmental organization have also attempted to clean up the gold mining industry through various market based approaches. Respond to Discussion Question 3 and Submit to the Dropbox byno Later than Sunday 11.59 PM. EST/EDT(This Dropbox basket is linked to turnitin.)Keep in mind to intergrate the Saint Leo University core of responsible stewardship ,as it applies to the case.Responses for each case discussion question should be in paragraph form and be approximately 250-300 word in length.