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MOD4455_96ID Unit 1 Scandal at Penn State Sexual Abuse Case study Summary

MOD4455_96ID Unit 1 Scandal at Penn State Sexual Abuse Case study Summary
Question Description
Fundamentals of Crisis Management
Case Study: Mini- Case – Scandal at Penn State
Case Summary
In a narrative format, summarize the key facts and issues of the case.
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Update the information in the case by researching it on the Internet. Focus your response on the specific issues in the case.
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Consider the impact of the Sandusky scandal on Penn State. What organizational functions (management, marketing, human resources, etc.) were affected by the crisis?
How were they affected?
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Who are the internal and external stakeholders? How were the stakeholders affected?
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Imagine you are a crisis management consultant called in to advise Penn State’s Board of Trustees after the scandal began. What steps would you recommend to contain the damage to long-term the university’s overall image and reputation? What factors should you consider and why? Please explain your reasoning regarding your recommendation.
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Case Analysis

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