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IT599 DePaul Project Plan, WBS And Project Management

IT599 DePaul Project Plan, WBS And Project Management
Question Description
In this Assignment you will conduct a project team meeting and compile a project status report.
Prepare a 2–3-page project meeting recap, along with a full status report, containing the following elements:
Meeting minutes
WBS reflecting work completed to date (use reference document as a resource)
Milestones completed to date (use reference document as a resource)
Revised/actual budget to date (use reference document as a resource)
Also, include an issues log/register as part of the status report with the following:
Date logged
Date resolved
Rubric Requirements
Submitted a status report with an agenda, meeting minutes, and updated WBS reflecting any completed and/or modified tasks.
Submitted a status report with an updated cost summary, accomplishments, and/or issues.

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