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IT409 Recognize Problems and Policies Principles

IT409 Recognize Problems and Policies Principles
Question Description
what is the difference between the sender and the holder of the digital certificate? How to consider that a digital certificate is valid? How can one obtain a digital certificate for one public key without disclosing the private key?
Describe the relationship between the incident response and the forensic analysis.
A data breach occurs when the data for which your company /organization is responsible suffers from a security incident resulting in a breach of confidentiality, integrity or availability.
Discuss the two laws implemented in Saudi Arabia for data protection by filling the following table (
Law Name
Kind of data that should be protected
Fine for violation
Cyber Data Protection
Telecom Data Protection
Effective information systems that can provide timely access to comprehensive, relevant, and reliable information at the time of disasters, are critical to humanitarian operations.
Discuss the two open source emergency management software for disaster by filling the following table.
Emergency Software
Sahana Eden

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