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HIST 1302 Brookhaven The outbreak of the Great Depression

HIST 1302 Brookhaven The outbreak of the Great Depression
Question Description
Unit II (chapter 18-20) can be broken down into three very large and significant topics:
1. The rise of domestic reform movements during the Progressive Era in response to the challenges presented by the Gilded Age
2. The responsibilities of being a global power and translating what making the world “safe for Democracy” during World War One meant for the Untied States both at home and abroad
3. The outbreak of the Great Depression which crippled the nation and in many ways brought it to the brink of collapse
Which of these three historical processes do you believe was the most important for the development of modern America as we know it today?
Please make your response at least two (2) paragraphs long and include specific historical details, processes, and/or people to support your arguments

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