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GCCCD The End Of The Cold War 1985-1991 Presentation Help

GCCCD The End Of The Cold War 1985-1991 Presentation Help
Question Description
Choose a book from those posted in Course Documents, the book that I chose is “The End of the Cold War” the link of the book is Download The End of the Cold War – Robert Service.pdf
Prepare a visual (PowerPoint) presentation.
No more than 8 slides:
Title slide with title of book and your name
2 specific examples from the book to support your claim – if you quote, you will need to provide a works cited slide
Conclusion to support claim
Be sure that you consider the objectives of the course and your classmates as the intended audience. Then your argument should show how your recommended book is a good or poor supplement.
Respond to two other students’ recommendations by addressing the following questions:
1. What does the claim say the presentation will try to prove about the topic?
2. In what ways was the presentation successful in proving claim? Discuss at least one example.
3. What part(s)of the presentation were weakest and why?
4. What did you learn about the book that you hadn’t thought about before from the presentation?
5. Please make any general comments about the presentation.

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