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Discussion: Qualities and characteristics that promote a positive patient-physician relationship

Please describe the qualities and characteristics that promote a positive patient-physician relationship, as well as those that detract from such a relationship. Which do you think are most important and why? How do these relationships influence your satisfaction with the medical care that you receive?
Base your responses on both the assigned text readings, your own perspectives, and any other resources that you care to use (i.e, journal articles, book chapters, internet material). Please feel free to share any personal experiences that you may have had in relation to this topic. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

Cazetta post
Patient-physician relationships are the primary important factor when providing quality care.  Patients desire physicians to show empathy, one who is knowledgeable, provides patient education in terms that the patient comprehends,  and is attentive.  All of these characteristics embody meeting the patient’s needs and leaves the patient feeling positive about their encounter.  A positive relationship and experience makes room for patient satisfaction. Communicating to the patient clearly, medication instructions and other important medical information sets the tone for a healthy conversation. 
What detracts from the relationship is lack of healthy communication skills, shared decision making, empathy and compassion, understanding different cultures, and language barriers.  When incorporating shared decision making into the patient-physician experience,  the family becomes involved, patients are educated, and personal and cultural preferences are made known and can be addressed. 

Grace post
I think that a positive patient and physician relationship is important to make sure that you are getting the best and most appropriate care for the need that you are in. Trust, open communication, honesty, and respect are some of the factors that it takes to have a positive and effective relationship with your physician (Shipman, 2010). If these characteristic are felt by the patient, they will be more trusting and willing to follow their physicians treatment plan and advice. I feel that honesty and trust are the most important because, that will get you the most effective and direct treatment and care. If you can be honest with your doctor about symptoms of medication, no matter how embarrassing, the sooner he or she can point you in the better direction for your wants and needs. I was lucky to find that within my medical network, however, my husband and I just moved to Michigan. I will need to take the time to hunt for a new physician for us, sooner rather then later. I think one factor that has surfaced that may hurt the patient and physician relationship is, the internet. Many people think they can look up what is actually wrong with them, they diagnose themselves, and continue to follow WebMDs treatment plan instead of their own physician. People that look to social media or the internet to diagnose themselves or find their treatment plan are sometimes their own worst enemies. 

Tiffany post
Parents usually respect the opinions of their childs early childhood professional and will welcome many suggestions. To help encourage parents choices in food selections for their children they can offer material on healthy kid friendly recipes and snack choices. Many times, parents just need some ideas on what food to offer when they have run out of ideas on their own. Another idea that Ive seen work first hand is to host a family fun night and have parents and children come out and learn how to make healthy foods from a certified chef. This event is not only fun, but parents walk away with ideas and are encouraged to make better food choices for their family. 
Part 2:
Discuss how early childhood professionals can address childhood obesity and healthy nutrition in the early childhood classroom. Please discuss two examples for the classroom environment and one example to share with parents for the home environment.
Obesity can be addressed by simply just discussing good and bad food choices with the children inside the classroom. Sharing ideas and showing alternatives to bad foods can really help them think about the food they eat at home. Unfortunately, children are not solely responsible for the food they eat, their parents buy the food in the house and allow them to eat it. If children have an idea of what food choices are good, they can suggest those food options to their parents. As a parent I would see my child suggestion of a good food choice as a great idea. 

Maxine post
One example  in an early childhood setting that  can help encourage  the parents  choices  in the food they are giving their  child  is to  show them the menu  of the  food  that the school gives. I know in the school  I work  for  we give fruit  with  both  breakfast and lunch. Snack  they  give the healthy snacks like string cheese yogurt and sometimes the  snacks are small bags of cheese- its or  a small bag of vanilla wafers or a small bag of ghramm crackers. Showing  a parent  a menu is  very important because what if the parent has not tried  giving their child a fruit  with their meal. One  the fruit is healthy  but  will fill the  child up, and two what if the  child  never  had it and  then they  have  a  reaction they will be able to  tell the  doctor  what they  had to make sure they  are  not  allergic. 
Another example  is culture has  a big part in food. Some cultures  eat different  food and  not use  to the American  food  that is given in the day  care.  The  day care I work  at is mixed races  and  we  have our food  catered in  from  a company and  some of the  food  is  a big  hit  and  other times the  children  do not want it, not all of  them. After  i  read  the information  from  I learned  about the  different  cultural.  “With a Celebration of Culture, you can: ¢ Recognize the value of healthy food and identify healthy choices using culturally relevant examples. ¢ Learn how foods from all cultures can be part of a healthy diet. ¢ Encourage nutrient-rich food choices from the diverse cuisines, cultures and traditions available today” Some  cultures do not  allow  people in their  culture  eat different  foods,  for  example  African  Americans  have  a period of  time they  can not eat meat . If  the  child in  the  center is  African  American  talk  to  the parent  to  see if  they  are allowing their child to  have meat if  not if they can bring something  in for them to  eat.
If a child likes  a certain food they  will  want  to keep eating it.  You have to monitor  the in  take  they have. The  child might  not need be happy  with you at the moment because you  are saying “no  more” but you  are really helping them out. As teachers you have to be on the same page with the parents about the food in take.