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BUAL2650 AUBURN Regression Analysis Excelsheet Exercise Help

BUAL2650 AUBURN Regression Analysis Excelsheet Exercise Help
Question Description
Use the data in the Excel file below.
In this file, you will find data for three independent variables (Experience, Age, MBA) which you are using to try and predict Salary of workers at a company. MBA is a categorical variable.
1. Conduct the first regression analysis using Experience and Age to predict Salary. Show your output. (1 point)
2. For the next model, add MBA as an indicator (dummy) variable. Begin by coding the data for MBA. If a worker has an MBA, then the indicator variable should be turned on. If the worker doesn’t have an MBA, then the indicator variable should be turned off. Show the coded data file to conduct the regression analysis adding the Indicator (Dummy) variable of MBA. (1 point)
3. Conduct a second regression analysis with the new data set. Show the output. (1 point)
4. Interpret and make a decision for the F-statistic. Alpha = 0.05. (1 point)
5. Interpret and make a decision for each of the slope coefficients. Alpha = 0.05. (3 points)
6. Conduct a third regression analysis using only those Independent variables that were significant in the second model (e.g., drop the independent variable(s) which are not significant). Show the output. (1 point)
7. Develop a table which contains the R-Squared and Adjusted R-Squared values from each of the 3 outputs (models) you have generated. Interpret the results. Explain which model you would choose and why. (2 points)

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