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BLS221 WASHCOLL Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Alternative Softwares

BLS221 WASHCOLL Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Alternative Softwares
Question Description
Purpose of Assignment
In this assignment, you will research alternative applications to Microsoft® PowerPoint® and practice using PowerPoint® to present those alternatives and make a recommendation. You may research applications by developers other than Microsoft if you desire.
Assignment Steps
Microsoft® Office Help and Training
Other tutorials available online
Research the two alternative presentation applications that you chose and compare them to the features and functionality of Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
Note: There are several alternative presentation applications besides Microsoft® PowerPoint®, including Sway®. It does not, however, have to be a Microsoft® application.
Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation that includes the following:
A title page
A reference page
A slide theme and a template
Animations using the timing feature
Slide transitions
A picture or an image
Word art
A recorded audio on one of the slides
Use speaker notes to expand ideas beyond the slide bullet points and include research supporting your comparisons.
Submit a Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation file (PPTX).
Cite a minimum of 4 sources, formatted according to APA guidelines.

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