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Assignment: Design Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization

8“10 pages, plus title and reference pages 

Typically, for modeling a battery-operated payload cart, you can use a mathematical model to model different parts of the system. They would include the following:

Modeling the mechanics of moving a payload cart (including electrical energy, gravitational potential energy, energy conservation principle, and energy loss due to sliding friction) to predict the height that the cart (with payload) can be moved up to as well as the needed energy density (in the battery).
Modeling and selecting a battery and the battery operating characteristics (using its voltage, energy density, capacity, and the shape of the batterys operating characteristics or discharge curve) to compute the output power of the battery.
Modeling a motor along with its motor operating characteristics (using its angular speed, torque, gear ratio, motor efficiency, and shape of the motors operating characteristic).

Using patents, current literature and other prior art, propose an alternate solution for modeling a battery-powered payload cart. Include a full biography with APA-formatted references and a title page.