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346SAM CW2 Assessment

346SAM CW2 Assessment

Academic research about other engine system – always linking it our idea – 500 words
Why an engine system? Benefits / disadvantages?

400- 500 words – Explaining in details our idea – 28 Tag system –
What it is going to help our target audience? Why is a new concept? We want to use it for first online but also in our offline outcome
Bulletpoint slacktivism
400-500 words – High Range Specific Detail Searching – Million Categories Tags

Explain why we have the idea to use tags to make it easier for the costumers – from broad info to key concepts

400-500 words – Clarifying Customers Need – Based On Human Centered Recommendation System
Explain how we gonna use the data we collected to create an interactive system of recommendation – Promoting new sustainable ideas – according to customers needs and likes – machine learning / algorithm / Artificial intelligence
Bulletpoint social media recommendation system (Instagram, Twitter) 400-500 words – Gamifying User Experience – A Game System Based Philosophy
Why do we have designed this engine system as a gam? Targeting more boys – Which game we have based it? What are the benefits of gamifying the experience?
Bulletpoint The Level System of World of Warcraft, Community System 400-500 words – Reflection and insights – 28 Century Tag system

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